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Today' Devotional Journal Entry


          Day Twenty-One -- November 10, 2018

They said to each other, “Were not our hearts burning within us while he was talking to us on the road…”
Luke 24:32

Two disciples, walking along the road to Emmaus, discussing the many events of the previous weeks; the arrest and trial of Jesus, the crucifixion and burial, and now strange rumors of resurrection. Along the dusty road to Jerusalem they find themselves in the very presence of their Lord and Savior, the resurrected Christ. Even though He was unrecognized, the disciples reported that their hearts were burning while He was talking to them on the road.

For some this stewardship campaign may have seemed like an endless walk on a long and dusty road. And yet, my hope and prayer for each of you is that at some place on this journey your heart has burned with the recognition that Christ is in our midst, that Christ is walking with us on this dusty road.

And so we conclude this devotional with the simple question. How have you met Christ on this journey? Has your heart burned with recognition that Christ is in our midst?


Thank You, Lord, for the gift of this journey we call a stewardship campaign. Thank You for meeting us on this road. Thank You for the burning in our hearts that we recognize as You and Your love. Help us now to continue this walk always mindful that You are walking beside us. Thank You! Amen

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