Logo  RUMC's Frequently Asked Questions                      

Q:  Can this project be done in phases?
A:  The Building Committee is currently checking with various contractors as to a design that could be expanded at a later date.  The plan is to build a functional building with gathering place, offices, restrooms, and classrooms.

Q:  What is the goal of the capital campaign?
A: $500,000.

Q:  How long is the capital campaign?
A:  The capital campaign is designed to be completed in 3 years.  However, pledges can be paid up front, annually, quarterly or monthly.

Q:  How much money is set aside for this project?
A:  There is approximately $220,000 in the Trustees’ Fund.

Q: Why is a professional firm helping us with the Capital Campaign?  
A: The benefits of a fundraising firm not only include the wisdom and experience of experts, but also the support services, computer software, and training that helps us to more easily and successfully raise the required funds to care for our church property. Research on this issue showed that there is an increased probability of being successful with our campaign when we use a consultant to guide us. 

Q: How is a Capital Campaign different from an annual Stewardship Campaign?
 RUMC's annual stewardship enables leadership to develop the next year's budget to plan for staff, program and recurring expenses. The budget also funds outreach and mission activities to further the Rockford United Methodist Mission. Stewardship at RUMC is much more than just financial giving; it encourages parishioners to give of their time and talent, as well as their treasure, in service to the church and community.  The Capital Campaign is an action plan to raise a substantial amount of funds over a three-year period to accomplish the project that cannot be funded through an annual budget.

Q: How much should I give, and who will be asked to support the campaign?
A:  We ask each family to make a three-year financial commitment that is over and above their regular, offertory giving. It is our hope that every family will make a truly sacrificial pledge. We realize everyone cannot pledge the same because we all have different financial resources. We are not asking for equal giving. We are asking for equal sacrifice. We ask that each family contribute something, and that their pledge is meaningful and sacrificial to them.

Q:  Why is each donor asked to complete a pledge form?
A:  A donor is asked to complete a pledge form so that the gift may be appropriately recorded and acknowledged by Rockford United Methodist. Donors are asked to sign a pledge card to indicate that they have agreed to the terms of the gift indicated on the card.
Q:  Is my pledge legally binding? Will it be confidential?
A:  No, a pledge is a gift, one you consider to be meaningful to you. All we ask is that you do your best and advise us of any financial changes that will impact your pledge. All pledges will be kept as confidential as possible. Only the people responsible for maintaining the records will have access to your pledge.

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